Monday, November 22, 2010

Something from Nothing

I have been pondering over the last week as to what to write about next. There is so much but at the same time my mind is blank. So, I decided to rely on a skill I have learned over the last few nothing about it! This is one of the most challenging and counter-intuitive skills for me. My whole life I have been a "Doer", a "Thinker", a "Figure it out at all costs" kind of person. To just let something be, to "Let it Go"...perish the thought!!!

It wasn't until about 6 years ago, when my life was at an all time low, that I reached out and met some really wonderful people. They started to teach me some skills, one of which was that doing nothing, was really doing something. They taught me that I didn't have to have everything figured out. That, most of the time, things would work themselves out (usually for the better) if I leave them alone. There is a process to things. First is awareness, then acceptance and after that...then action. I tended to skip right to the action.

So, for me, when I am at a crossroads, I have learned to do nothing. It is amazing to me what productivity comes from doing nothing. Give it a try.

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